Meet The Coaches of Breadwinner Baddiez

Meet Coach Brionuh

Hey Friends! I'm Brianna, AKA Brionuh J, across social media platforms. My journey started in 2020, and in 2022, I took the leap of faith & decided to work for myself full-time. After working in multiple establishments including: Footlocker, Olive Garden, Brain & Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Center, Popstroke and sooo much more; I just knew I wasn't meant to work a 9-5.

Since starting my digital marketing journey, i've had my first $1k day, $10k month, and $50k+ year all within just 1 1/2 years of being in the field. This is going to sound a bit cliqué, but if I can do it, I KNOW I can teach you how too!

As a social media influencer, i'm passionate about empowering others to express themselves through style and confidence. I'm also the oldest sister of 6, so leadership and responsibility have always been second nature to me. Also, i've never had trouble with being the center of attention or public speaking, so who better to bring you out of your shell as your coach!

No challenge is too big for me! Whether it's buildling a business, creating content, or coaching others to success, I'm all in! I believe in turning dreams into reality, and i'm here to help you do the same.

-Brionuh J.

Book a Call w/ Coach Bri

Meet Coach Kaelah

Hey love! I'm Coach Kae Ellyce, your mindset and manifestation coach. Let me tell you, I used to feel stuck -like I was doing everything "right", but the life I wanted was always just out of reach. Then I discovered the Law of Assumption and it completely changed my world!

I realized that the thoughts I was holding onto were the very things keeping me from stepping into the life I dreamed of. Once I learned how to use this law to shift my reality, everything began to fall into place. Now i'm here to teach you how to do the same.

When I found the Law of Assumption, it was like a lightbulb went off. I finally understood that my thoughts create my reality, and that realization gave me the power to manifest anything I wanted. From the moment, I dedicated myself to mastering my mindset, and now I'm all about helping you unlock your own limitless potential!

Through my coaching, my content, and everything I share, my goal is simple: to help you step into your power and live the life you've always known you deserve. The universe is ready to give it all to you, and with the Law of Assumption, you hold the key to making it all happen -on your terms, with ease, and unshakeable confidence.

Book a Call w/ Coach Kae
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